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The Most Common Errors in English Grammar A lot of People Do That.




1.     NOUNS THAT CANNOT BE MADE PLURALS. Thy always take singular verbs. Scenery, furniture, machinery, information, news, stationery, abuse, fuel, rice, issue,repair, mischief, poetry, business, Electronics, linguistics, statistics, mechanics, civics, aeronautics, economics, avionics, cards, darts, dominoes, measles, rickets, news, politics, summons,  etc.


      Incorrect: Rickets/measles are the cause of my disturbance.

      Correct:   Rickets/ measles is the cause of my disturbance.

      Incorrect: Mathematics have never been my favourite subject.

      Correct.   Mathematics has never been my favourite subject.

      Incorrect: These news are very important.

       Correct.    This news is very important.

Incorrect: The sceneries of Kashmir are beautiful.

Correct: The scenery of Kashmir is beautiful.

Incorrect: My father gave me two advices, which are very dear to me.

Correct:  My father gave me two pieces of advice, which are very dear to me.

Incorrect: I have bought three soaps and two brushes.

Correct: I have bought three bars of soaps and two brushes.

Incorrect: Her hairs are very long.

Correct: Her hair is very long.


 We may use the following patterns in this case.

Ø  A piece/ two pieces of (information, news, work, advice, knowledge ,poetry, prose, criticism, etc )

Ø  An article/ three articles of ( clothing, luggage, apparatus, jewelry, cutlery, crockery, stationery, etc.)




Swine, sheep, deer, salmon, trout, fish, gallows, innings, counsel, aircraft, etc


Incorrect:  These sheeps will be slaughtered early in the morning.

Correct:    These sheep will be slaughtered early in the morning.

Incorrect: He has sold all his swines.

Correct:   He has sold all his swine.

Incorrect: The lions are reported to have killed five deers in two days.

Correct. The lions are reported to have killed five deer in two days.

Incorrect: These aircrafts are made by China.

Correct:    These aircraft are made by China



        Poultry, cattle, vermin, gentry, peasantry, clergy, police


Incorrect: Poultry has given him great profit.

Correct:   Poultry have given him great profit.

Incorrect: Peasantry of Pakistan is living under hopeless circumstances.

Correct:   Peasantry of Pakistan are living under hopeless circumstances.

Incorrect: The police has caught the thief.

Correct:   The police have caught the thief.





GROUP. A.  Trousers, scissors, pants, pajamas, glasses, shorts, drawers, pliers, spectacles, goggles, binoculars, fetters, scales, compasses,  etc.


GROUP. B. customs, remains, assets, thanks, congratulations, condolences, savings, lodgings, regards, respects, arms, pains, damages, surroundings, forces, troops, manners, friends, brains, contents, particulars, valuables, belongings, orders, means, statistics, effects, spoils, receipts, alms, credentials, papers etc.




Ø  Please give me two sheets of paper to write an application.

Ø  Please get  the papers of your property verified.

Ø  He is carrying the branches of wood on his back

Ø  The woods are lovely , dark and deep.

Ø  The mass of this body is greater than what I expected.

Ø  This is a country where masses are illiterate and the rules are incompetent.

Ø  He opened the bottle and pour half of the contents into the glass

Ø  He failed to understand the content of my essay.




Incorrect: your allegation has no ground at all.

Correct:   Your allegation ahs no grounds at all.

Incorrect: W take great pain to satisfy our valued customers.

Correct:   We take great pains to satisfy our valued customers.

Incorrect: he has received the order of his transfer.

Correct:   He has received the orders of his transfer.

Incorrect: His saving has increased to a considerable extent.

Correct.   His savings have increased to a considerable extent.

Incorrect: Please convey my thank/ regard/respect to you father.

Correct:   Please convey my thanks /regards/respects to you father.

Incorrect: You need to learn table manner.

Correct:   You need to learn table manners.




  1. Use of Reflexive Pronouns. ( verbs used in the following sentences are followed by reflexive pronouns)

Enjoy, apply, resign, absent, acquit,  drive, exert, avail, pride, etc.


Incorrect: You must avail this opportunity.

Correct:   You must avail yourself of this opportunity.

Incorrect: He should not absent  from the school during these days.

Correct: He should not absent himself  from the school during these days

Incorrect: Dear friend! You should apply yourself to achieve the first position.

Correct: Dear friend! You should apply yourself to achieve the first position.


  1. The pronoun One must be followed by one`s.


Incorrect: One must finish his task on time.

Correct. One must finish one`s task on time.


  1. Whom denotes object and Who denotes subject.


Incorrect. Whom do you think won the award?

Correct: Who do you think won the award?

Incorrect:Who are you taking to?

Correct: Whom are you taking to?


  1. each other is used when there are two subject or object, one another is used when there are more than two subject or object.


Incorrect: Romeo and Juliet loved one another.

Correct: Romeo and Juliet loved each other.

Incorrect: All the students of the class hate each other.

Correct: All the students of the class hate one another.


  1. Pronouns must agree with their antecedents.


INCORRECT: It is important for a doctor to keep their patients' records confidential.

Correct: It is important for a doctor to keep his patients' records confidential.

Incorrect: Everybody ran to their cars and drove away.

Correct: Everybody ran to his/her cars and drove away.


  1. when 1st , 2nd and 3rd persons come together in one sentence, they must me in the order: the 2nd person, the 3rd and the last of all the 1st person.


Incorrect: I, you and he will always remain true to one another.

Correct:    You , he and I will always remain true to one another.

 Incorrect: I and you must do our work.

Correct:   You and I must do our work.

Incorrect: He and she are not happy with her new employer.

Correct:    He and she are not happy with their new employer.


  1. Either and Neither are used for two persons and are always followed verb agreed with the pronoun/ noun preceding it


Incorrect: Neither you  nor I are interested in this project.

 Correct:    Neither you  nor I am interested in this project.

 Incorrect:  Either you or he are at fault.

 Correct:   Either you or he is at fault.

  Incorrect: Neither of the two men were very strong

  Correct: Neither of the two men was very strong

  Incorrect: Either of you are to be rejected by the boss.

  Correct. Either of you is to be rejected by the boss.


  1. After each of we use a plural noun or pronoun and a singular verb.


Incorrect: Each of these boys play cricket well.

Correct: Each of these boys plays cricket well.

Incorrect: Each of these three roads lead to the railway station.

Correct: Each of these three roads leads to the railway station.


  1. In negative sentences we do not normally use both. Instead, we use neither.


Incorrect: Both didn’t go.

Correct: Neither went


  1. In negative sentences we do not normally use all. Instead, we use none.


Incorrect: We all did not go.

Correct: None of us went


  1. Let is a verb. It should be followed by a pronoun in object form.


 Incorrect: Let I go.

Correct: Let me go.

Incorrect: Let we move.

Correct: Let us move



  16 . Use an adjective not an adverb with the following verbs


Feel, taste, sound, smell, look, seem, appear, etc.


Incorrect: This flower smells sweetly

Correct:  This flower smells sweet.

Incorrect: She looks angrily.

Correct: She looks angry.

Incorrect: your statement sounds strangely.

Correct: Your statement sounds strange.

Incorrect: These apples taste sourly.

Correct. These apples taste sour.

Incorrect: I feel sadly.

Correct: I feel sad.

Incorrect: Their decision appears unjustly.

Correct. Their decision appears unjust.


  17. senior, junior, inferior, anterior, posterior, prior, elder are followed by to not by than.


Incorrect: He is senior than me.

Correct. He is senior to me.

Incorrect: I m not junior than you.

Correct:  I am not junior to you.

Incorrect: this pen is superior than that pen.

Correct: This pen is superior to that pen.


  1. Adjectives which are already perfect in their meaning have no comparative or superlative degrees.

Unique , ideal, perfect, round, square , complete, universal, entire, extreme full.


 Incorrect: This place is more ideal than that one.

Correct: This is an ideal place.

Incorrect: This is the most perfect painting of Picasso.

Correct: This is the perfect painting of Picasso.


  1. Use comparative degree for comparison of two things.


 Incorrect:  He is the tallest of two brothers.

Correct:   He is the  taller  of two bothers.

Incorrect: One of the two bothers is most intelligent.

Correct: One of the two bothers is more intelligent.


  1. Double comparatives and double superlatives are not to be used.


Incorrect: He is more wiser than his brother.

Correct: He is wiser than his brother.


  1. when we compare two qualities in the same person or thing the comparative ending with  –er  is not used.

Incorrect: You are wiser than old.

Correct: you are more wise than old.


  1. when two changes happen together , comparative degree is used in both.


Incorrect: The higher you go, the cool you feel.

Correct: The higher you go, the cooler you feel.


  1. when comparative degree is used in superlative sense, it is followed by any other.


Incorrect:  He is better than any bowler.

Correct: He is better than any other  bowler.


  1. In some cases, comparison is subtle and must be given proper attention.


Incorrect: the roads of Karachi are wider than Lahore.

Correct: the roads of Karachi are wider than those of Lahor.

Incorrect. Scenery of Kashmir is better than Islamabad.

Correct: Scenery of Kashmir is better than that of Islamabad.


  1. Older refers to persons and thing and is followed by than. Elder is used for members of family.


Incorrect: Rahim is elder than all other boys in the class.

Correct. Rahim is older than all other boys in the class.

Incorrect: Shoib is my older brother.

Correct: Shoib is my elder brother.




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